Explore our extensive selection of dry bags, essential for keeping your belongings dry and protected in any weather condition. Ideal for trekking from refuge to refuge or separating your gear, these bags ensure a tidy pack for a clear mind. Available in various sizes, find the perfect dry bag for all your camping and outdoor needs. With brands including Sea to Summit, Edelrid, and Rab here at EpicTV!
Edelrid has been crafting technical mountaineering gear such as carabiners, slings, harnesses, climbing rope, since the 1950s. After the family owners sold the company in 2001, Edelrid took a brief hiatus from the climbing market. Now, as an independent technical climbing company within the VAUDE group, Edelrid is setting a new course for the future. Their mission, "Unfolding the future," drives them to develop and produce products that will shape the future of our sport.